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2 hours ago
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The Hair Follicle
Hair follicles are small, pocket-like holes in our skin and they grow hair. The average human has...

What happens when you swallow a hair?
Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup - Of course sir, that's rabbit stew.... (cue silence an...

Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits?
Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum....

Is Onion Juice Effective For Hair Growth?
Hair is a complex, complicated organ and it is different for everyone, that's why people have fou...

Do energy drinks cause hair problems?
The concept sounds simple ! Get a burst of energy by drinking something out of a very colourful a...

Collagen – Hair Building Blocks?
Hair is primarily made up of the protein keratin. Your body uses several amino acids to build ker...

New Year's Hair Resolutions
New year, new hair? There’s no better time than January 1st to take a moment to reflect on your c...

Why Is The Hair On Your Head Different From Body Hair?
Have you ever questioned why some body hair such as eyebrows only grow to a certain length, but d...

Split Ends & The Christmas Dinner
Merry Christmas ! It's that time of year when we're using a whole bunch of hair products to keep ...

Healthy Hair During The Winter Months
While winter weather calls for mulled wine and bundling up in front of a nice cosy fireplace, a w...

Can You Make Hair Grow Faster?
An abundance of thick, long hair. People seem to have it, but how? Is a too-short haircut making ...

What Colour Is Your Hair?
When it comes to colour, men and women really don't see eye to eye ! Females are better at discri...

Moisture Conditioning
Many of us want soft, smooth silky hair with a serious shine to it ! In reality a lot of us will ...

Over Washing Your Hair !
This is a debate that has been around for a long, long time and opinion is very devided! How ofte...

What causes grey hair?
Greying of hair is a fact of life for most people, as is hair loss as you age. So what are the fa...

How much do we spend on our hair?
Throughout history, hair has played a significant role in our society – it is associated with you...

Can Egg Yolks cure split ends?
Egg yolks are a wonderfully nutritious food source, with several key nutrients that can nourish a...

JAK Inhibitors – Could they treat your hair?
JAK stands Janus Kinase which are a family of enzymes that are used to transmit signals within th...

The Types Of Split Ends
There are many types of split ends, but these are the common ones you can find in the hair.The Tr...

Scientists reveal the most promising Hair Loss Home Remedies
Until we find a cure for Hair Loss, we will continue to find new ways to try and treat our hair l...

Restoring your hair and scalp’s natural pH with Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the important elements of your hair and scalp health is maintaining the natural pH level, ...

How to get that Freshly Salon Conditioned feel at home
Soon we can return to the comfort of our hair salons, after some long months stuck in Lockdown. W...

Are bald men more at risk to severe Covid-19 symptoms?
The short story is that bald men very well may be more at risk than men with a full head of hair!...

Hair Transplants - Frequently Asked Questions
The hairs that are transplanted as part of your surgery are carefully selected from the back of t...

How does Saw Palmetto benefit your hair?
Saw Palmetto is a popular herbal remedy for hair loss, but is there any scientific evidence to su...

Chemotherapy induced hair loss
Chemotherapy is an aggressive treatment for cancer, that targets rapidly growing cancer cells. Ca...

Could your Vegan diet be affecting your hair?
Vegan lifestyle becomes more and more popular every year! The impact that choosing a vegan lifest...

The Low Down on Alternative Hair Loss Treatments
There are 2 new treatments and solutions that have been rising in popularity over the last 5 year...

The Role Of Zinc
Zinc is one of many incredibly important nutrients in our diet that help us to maintain healthy b...

Some Treatments are far fetched !
From the dawn of time mankind we have looked high and low for a solution to hair loss, leading to...

Why Iron Is Important To Your Hair
Iron is an incredibly important nutrient is our diet and plays a vital role in our body, includin...

3D Printed Hair
Research is taking place into creating 3D printed hair follicles ! Cosmetic firm L'Oreal has part...

A healthy scalp leads to healthy hair !
Just as the condition of the soil affects how a plant grows, the condition of your scalp establis...

So If You Can't Repair Split Ends — What You Can Do?
Split ends. They happen slowly, then all at once. At first they are barely detectable, an occasio...

Is Chocolate Good for Hair Growth?
We normally think of chocolate as an indulgence, but did you know it packs in powerful nutritiona...

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Split Ends
Split ends. Everyone gets them and nobody ever wants them. Unfortunately for most of us, they are...